Corporate Anointing (Book)


About this Product

The day of the Holy Ghost renewal and revival has dawned upon the Church. But all who are experiencing it need to know that the anointing poured out on all of us is far greater than the anointing upon any one person or place! Come journey with Dr. Varner through a biblical understanding of the Corporate Anointing. Like the anointing oil of the Old Testament, the compounded anointing is greater sum than all its parts. Together, we make up the whole Christ – the Anointed One – the fullness of His Body! Our destiny is to impact every home, local church, workplace, and community with the Corporate Anointing!

From the Foreword:

“The corporate anointing of the Lord has the uniqueness to show the world the glory of an invisible God through a body, with every part working in such unison that the glory of the anointing outshines the ego of man. But this anointing also has the ability to recognize the importance and value of the individual without disrupting the display of His presence in the many-membered expression of the Lord Jesus. Only God can accomplish such a thing. And He will, through simple folk like you and I who have no other desire or passion but to see Him and to experience the full salvation of the Lord. This book is the first major prophetic work that describes the function and power of the Anointed One, the mighty Lord of Hosts among His people. It is where we must go if we are to continue to flow in all that God is giving us.” –Don Nori, Destiny Image Publishers