Rest In The Day Of Trouble


About this Product

Today our leaders have no respect for the word of the prophets. Our court systems are corrupt: judges are dishonest, the law is perverted, favoring the criminal-there is no justice. Our economy is in shambles. Unfair and higher taxes have become mismanaged funds. At one time, we were a leader among the nations, now we are mocked and jeered. Homosexuality and lesbianism are spreading throghout our society like a loathsome disease; its even in our churches. Our national sin is abortion, and has been for decades. Men have turned from the one true God to worship idols of wood and stone. Violence and murder fill the streets of our cities. Hope is dying in the hearts of our people. What hurts the most is that God has apparently abondoned us. This is how the prophet decribed the nation of Judah over 2,500 years ago. Habakkuk found rest in the day of trouble. Can we in ours?

From the Preface:

“…This book will help you. Those who already know Jesus as their personal Savior will be strengthened with might in the inner man. Those who have yet to give Him their heart will discover new hope and life. To each who reads this volume with sincerity I bring good news. The answer you are desperate seeking for your family (especially your children), your business, your finances, your local church, you ministry and your emotional well-being is set before you….This book is not only a contemporary commentary on one of the Minor Prophets; it is also an inspired message to rekindle hope in your heart. If you can see what Habakkuk saw almost three millennia ago, you will learn the secret of life. You will be able to rest in the day of trouble.” –Pastor Kelley Varner