About this Product
Like Zerubbabel’s unfinished temple, the Body of Christ is in dire need of much repair and reconstruction. Men busy themselves with private agendas and substitute goals while ignoring the reality of their true spiritual condition. For many, the thought of reconnecting to the Lord’s work and His original vision is most disturbing. These serious days demand wise choices. We must have real answers. What is the word of the Lord? Who is truly speaking it? Jesus is cleansing His Temple in the day of overturning. The Church that He builds, the latter House of greater glory, will be marked by Unshakeable Peace in the time of global shaking!
From the Foreword:
“This writing will be a source of encouragement to many weary ministries. The message of Haggai is very confronting, yet it offers much hope for our present state. We must acknowledge that we live in a time of great spiritual drought, failure and famine. Very little that we do is being promoted as the ultimate fullness of what God wants to do. This book will adjust our motives and vision of what we are willing to settle for as God’s real work. The end result will be the raising up of a house of greater glory and unshakeable peace, able to withstand a period of great global shaking.” –Pastor Gary Rich
From the Preface:
“There are many voices in the world, each with its distinctive beckon. These serious days demand wise choices. As in Haggai’s time, God has sent a drought to His people. We have looked for much, but it has come to little. We must have real answers. What is the word of the Lord? Who is really speaking it? Jesus is cleansing the temple in the day of overturning. The Church that He builds, the latter house of greater glory will be marked by an unshakeable peace in the time of global shaking! …His corporate house is stepping forward to offer Him its whole heart in pure worship, to give Him the whole dominion, to proclaim Him Lord of all!” –Pastor Kelley Varner